“PK-SportLab” Sports Association, from Belgrade – Republic of Serbia was founded with the aim to promote and provide modern and innovative sports services and products that combine science, practice, business and entertainment. In this regard, our ambitions are to expand our team and to achieve global success together.
The focus of PK-SportLab.com is on a new / additional training method – Training in water for Athletes of Land Sports (TWALS). Also, other INNOVATIONS are not negligible as well as the experiences listed in the Related work section.

“PK-SportLab” Sports Association, from Belgrade – Republic of Serbia
*It is registered with the Business Registers Agency (APR) of the Republic of Serbia as a legal entity under the original name: Sports Association “PK-SportLab”, with foundation date 01/01/2020 years
*PK-SportLab Sports Association has two branches – Water polo and Swimming with original names:
“PK-SportLab Waterpolo” Sports Association (“PKSLW” Sports Association) and
“PK-SportLab Swimming” Sports Association (“PKSLS” Sports Association)
More information on the PK-SportLab name:
* PK presents the initials – Predrag Kljakic, author of the name of the Sports Association
* SportLab, presents the Sport Laboratory, which is dedicated to developing new and improving existing concepts for the benefit of athletes, sports in general and all its participants

Who is Predrag KLJAKIĆ?

Predrag Kljakić was born on 24/01/1988 and lives in Belgrade, Republic of Serbia. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Water Polo and Swimming Coaching, and is also a coach for many years in both of these sports, with water polo being his primary sport. He also completed his training as a Sports OPerative Manager. Predrag’s coaching experiences are listed under Related work.
Other information can be found in the following lines:
Formal education:
- In the plan: Reaching the biggest, educational titles in the field of sports training as well as UEFA licenses
- 2007 – 2010 College of Sports and Health – BA in Water Polo and Swimming Coaching, Belgrade
- 2003 – 2007 High school for tourism and Hotel Management, Department: 1. Cook and 2. Waiter (both 4 years)
- 1995 – 2003 Exemplary primary school “Vladislav Ribnikar”
Informal Education:
- 2015 – 2016 Sports Operative Manager, Faculty of Sport, Belgrade
He uses English and French with good command of the Computer, internet and Microsoft Office
Other reference:
- Played Water Polo 6 years (1999 – 2000 WPC “Vračar”, 2001 – 2004 WPC “Red star” and WPC “North”. All clubs are from Belgrade), Swimming 5 years and football 1 year
- Has participated as a player and coach in water polo tournaments on the international, regional and national level
- He regularly attends national and international sports seminars and conferences in Serbia
- Regular education, investment in sports literature and equipment
- The target group in a professional career is to work with young people – Developing Mind, Body and Spirit through sport.
- Participation in charity events and in emergency situations (Floods in Serbia – May 2014 and Corona Virus – 2000)
Personal properties / skills / characteristics:
- Loyal, responsible and reliable, excellent analytical and organizational skills, persistent, the leader, team player, independent and proactive, ambitious, creative, communicative and open to acquire new knowledge
- Driving licence – category B (and international), non smoker, not convicted
- Recreation – Football, Water Polo, Swimming, Cycling, Volleyball, Table tennis, Stay in nature, and PES
Par-time professional experience abroad:
- 2004 – 2014 Fair engineer in Serbia and Slovenia
- 2006 July Assistant of chef of the kitchen in the restaurant “Le chamarre”, Paris, France