#1 About the concept
Thank you for spending your time at PK-SportLab!
My name is Predrag Kljakić, I am the professional coach and i would like to present to you a powerful and innovative method of work in the world of sports training for land sports, except that my professional research and work will be explained through the prism of football.

Training in water for athletes of land sports (TWALS)
What do we know about Training in water for athletes of land sports?
* Training in pools is basically used for the recovery and rehabilitation of athletes.
* The duration of such training is approximately 45 minutes, few times per week and has a great impact on athletes’ health.
* The facts that are not widely known and developed in sport training theory or practice during 2020 contained the systematic conditioning treatment and psychological preparation in water for athletes dedicated to land sports.
New / additional training method – Training in Water for Athletes of Land Sports (TWALS) should systematically improve the process of training, especially for the long-term development of young categories and to give its full potential to professional athletes.
Training in Water for athletes of Land Sports (TWALS), as a new method of training, should support athletes:
* During their carriers in a way to fulfill their sports performance and full potential in safe and the best way an
* After their professional carriers to keep their health at the best level.
To make TWALS to be the world standard method of training in the long-term development of young and top athletes.

* To promote and adopt presented method of training and specialized conditioning coaches which will be the part of ambitious sport clubs, academies, national associations, and individual players.
* To raise awareness, success, and popularity for this type of concept at large scale, necessary for the application of this approach.

In the eyes of athletes, sports workers, workers in the sport, clients, and partners, this concept is a global sports service recognized for its VALUES by which it will be able to identify itself:
INNOVATIVE / New approach
Quality is our middle name
Milestone of athletes’ success is CARE!

“Some of the best athletes choose this approach so why others cannot?”